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To attract money into your life you've got to open your mind to new ideas and possibilities. There are many ways to make money - you just have to know where to go, who to talk to, and how to begin.


Way back in secondary school, one of my favourite authors was James Hardly Chase. One of his novels is, #You're Dead Without Money.

The economic situation today is a clear indication that money is life and without it, you cannot live the life you really desire.

Dear reader, if you believe that money isn't important to you, please stop reading. Don't waste your time. This piece is for those who believe money is important, who need money, and who are ready to attract money into their lives. If you are, please pay great attention.

Rule No. 1.
To attract money into your life you've got to open your mind to new ideas and possibilities. There are many ways to make money - you just have to know where to go, who to talk to, and how to begin.

Rule No. 2.
To attract money you must at all times be prepared to unlearn, learn and relearn. You must jettison your age-long money-inhibiting mindset. If you pop around like you know it all, you cannot learn from life and other's experiences.

 Rule No. 3.
Spend your time on activities that'll generate income for you than waste it on activities that bring you no financial gains.

It's for this reason they say time is money, and it's for this reason I say speed is profit.... Think about that.

Rule No. 4.
To make money, you've got to take risks. A life without risks is a pretty uneventful life. If you're fearful and doubtful, you cannot attract money. Remember, no venture, no success.

Rule No. 5.
Build your network so that it can build your networth. In today's world, networking has taken over as the leading route to prosperity.

Creating your networks of people gives you opportunities that enhance your financial breakthrough. Get to know people and associate with them.

Listen to this: according to Forbes and Fortunes 500 Publications - Haily earns $30 a minute because of what she is; Tiger Woods earns $175 a minute because of what he does; Stephen Spielberg earns $675 a minute because of what he has others doing; Bill Gates earns $6,750 a minute because of what he has the world doing.

Big Question is: what are you doing, my friend? How are you building your own network?
Think  Type Jamiuridoh As Referral ID Call/WhatsApp 07011399999 For Guidance And For those who want to chat me up, click on the  link below to get to me directly
Invest in Recharge And Get Paid today. Just do it!
   #To start earning even while u are asleep (PASSIVE INCOME)


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